Neuquén Province, Argentina
Lanín National Park

Explore some of the best of what nature has to offer at Lanin National Park.

One of the largest national parks in Argentina, Lanin National Park offers an immersive trip into some of nature’s best wonders. With three blooming ecoregions, namely the High-Andean Steppe, the Patagonian Steppe and Andean-Patagonian Forest, you’ll never run out of places to explore and landscapes to marvel at.

The park takes its name from the Lanin volcano, and it’s not hard to see why. Standing at 3717 metres tall, it’s the highest peak in the region, its magnificent snow-capped point dominating the landscape of the national park.

Your main mode of transportation here will be your own two feet. Thankfully, there’s a myriad of hiking trails to choose from, ranging from light and easy strolls that take less than an hour to a full 3-day excursion where you’ll rough it out and sleep in shelters along the way. Another popular option for the bold and adventurous is climbing the monumental volcano itself, an adventure that will take you about 3 days - two to go up and one to come back down.

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Tips Before You Go
Conquering the Lanin volcano is no easy feat, which is why you’re recommended to do some training in preparation for the task, as well as hire a guide if you’re not an expert hiker.
Lanín National Park, Emilio Frey 749, Q8370 San Martin de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina