Verona, Italy
Arco dei Gavi

See the elegant Arco dei Gavi and discover its interesting history.

To fully appreciate the graceful arch, it is vital to know its past. Built as a tribute to the important Gavi family in ancient Verona, the classical arch was commissioned to the architect Lucio Vitruvio Cerdone. With its history stretching far back to the 1st century AD, it was initially located at the entrance of the Via Postumia, which leads into the beautiful city of Verona. In medieval times, it was used as a gate which formed part of the walls surrounding the city. Under Napoleonic rule in Italy, it was demolished to facilitate transportation and its remnants were dumped under the arches of the arena.

Meticulously restored in 1932 by Mussolini, the Arco dei Gavi rose like a phoenix from the ashes and now stands proudly next to Castel Vecchio today. Marvel at this magnificent structure which was carved entirely out of white Veronese stone and admire its intricate columns and tympanums. A nice spot to relax on a bench near the Adige River where you can appreciate the Ponte Scaligero.

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Corso Cavour, 2, 37121 Verona VR, Italy